Birth of a Foundation

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Growing up, my parents made sure that I was heavily involved in the community.  I played saxophone and clarinet in the band, participated in recreation sports in the neighborhood, attended the local boys and girl club, served in cub scouts, along with other activities.  Though I wasn’t aware of it at the time, this sparked in me a passion for remaining involved and doing things that were beyond myself. Working with others and being a team player is what I enjoy and tend to be good at. I always took pride in volunteering and stepping in where there appeared to be a void.  

Carrying on with this same passion, The Brickers Foundation is a direct representation of the good that is in our communities.  I really believe that good things happen when we begin to work together, thus multiplying our combined resources.  

The Brickers Foundation was formed as a calling to serve the community.  Our goal is to partner with mission driven organizations and ensure that they have the resources needed to be successful. 

Because we recognize that there are great organizations already in existence, the Foundation’s purpose is to highlight their great work and to partner with them to ensure they remain great.  The end result is that not only are the organizations successful, but ultimately the end audience in need will be just as successful.

For what we do, my hope is that The Brickers Foundation continues to be viewed as an example of how working together can produce great outcomes.